Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How I Spent My New Year

I spent all New Year Weekend in bed with a fever, chills, stuffy nose, and body aches. I know it wasn't the flu but more like the mini flu. By Sunday, the fever was gone but I still have the stuffy nose, and now I have a sore throat and my left ear is clogged so when I talk it is in stereo, so happy new year to me.


Haven and Home said...

Oh no! I hope you are feeling better by now!

deeglo said...

Yes, perfect. Now if I could get in the mood to finish painting my dining room.

Blasé said...

I guess things could be worse. You could live in Haiti.

'Air-borne'...a strong immune booster for colds and flus.

Petergaye S. Kisielewicz of Yahgie said...

That is so sad. Could be worse "I guess"

deeglo said...

Yes, it could always be worse.